The UCSF Epilepsy Center is a major referral center for patients throughout the Western United States and offers state-of-the-art diagnostic and treatment options for people with epilepsy. Our medical staff includes neurologists, neurosurgeons, pharmacists, neuropsychologists, and nurses who have specialized training in epilepsy and the problems that are associated with both the acute and chronic manifestations of seizures.
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We are HIRING!
Apply for our Adult Epileptologist position at our Level 4 UCSF Epilepsy Center -- Dedicated colleagues, phenomenal epilepsy surgery, located in the greatest city in the world San Francisco but serving patients all over Northern California.
We are a comprehensive team of specialized doctors, nurse practitioners, nurses, neuropsychologists, and highly specialized staff.
- We have an unwavering commitment to provide the highest-level medical and surgical care for people with epilepsy through our unique mix of diverse professional expertise and top-of-the-line facilities.
- We are trailblazers of novel treatments with the newest medications, the most advanced techniques for surgical removal of the sources of drug-resistant seizures, and brain stimulation devices for epilepsy.
UCSF is one of the world's most advanced centers for neuroimaging and EEG (brain wave) recordings.
- Our epilepsy specialists use state-of-the-art tools for diagnosing epilepsy and for planning skilled surgical treatments.
- Special distinction of accreditation as a Level 4 Epilepsy Center by the National Association of Epilepsy Centers.
- The only epilepsy center in the Northern California to achieve three certifications (EEG, ICU, and general long-term monitoring) by the American Board of Registered EEG Technologists.
Research at the UCSF Epilepsy Center has helped define the most modern approaches of therapy for patients.
- Our ongoing scientific research efforts are aimed at furthering our understanding of the genetic, developmental, and cognitive factors associated with epilepsy, as well as cutting-edge methods to diagnose, treat, and hopefully cure seizures in as many patients as possible.
- Our providers are esteemed leaders in the field, actively pioneering some of the newest ways to understand epilepsy and help our patients.